Dawn of Fire: The Indomitus Crusade
"John Banks is one of the UK's most prolific audiobook narrators, working for the likes of Big Finish, Audible, Random House and Games Workshop.

He is a true multi-voice, creating everything from monsters to marauding aliens.

He is also an accomplished stage and TV actor."

audible.co.uk 2018

The Mercy Chair

The Mercy Chair


...I'm John Banks - welcome to my website.

Much of my working life has been spent in the theatre with companies including
York Theatre Royal, Cheltenham Everyman, Sheffield Crucible, Bristol Old Vic, Manchester Royal Exchange and the Royal National Theatre.

Television work includes Emmerdale, Coronation Street, and 'Allo, Allo!'. I have also worked on a number of radio drama and comedy productions with the BBC.

Since March 2009, I have enjoyed playing a huge variety of characters in numerous audio-drama stories with Big Finish Productions, together with The Black Library/Games Workshop, details of which can be found in the postings below.

There are also details listed here of the many audio books and short stories I've recorded since March 2013,
including the unabridged New Revised Standard Version of The Bible, for companies including audible.co.uk, Hachette, Audible Studios, Brilliance Publishing, Podium Audio Publishing, HarperCollins, RNIB, W.F. Howes, Little Brown Group - Hachette and Orion, Penguin Random House, Games Workshop, Fantom Films & Ladbroke Audio. I hope you find something of interest here and come back soon for further updates.

For all posts, reviews and audio samples, please scroll down...

The Mercy Chair

The Mercy Chair
Washington Poe Series: Book 6

The Babel Books

The Babel Books
"Mr. Banks does superb work, and I recommend the audiobooks wholeheartedly!" Josiah Bancroft - author

Hand of Abaddon

Hand of Abaddon
Dawn of Fire Series: Book 8 of 9

Soul Wars

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Thursday, 28 March 2013

Big Finish Day 4

Well, here's a bit of breaking news; following on from last weekend's Big Finish gathering, BFD4 has just been announced along with details of the new venue!

No idea who the guests might be yet for obvious reasons; nevertheless, thanks to the support and dedication of Big Finish fans, the demand for another convention clearly exists. Here's some artwork and some information to publicise the event:

"Hot on the heels of the success of Big Finish Day 3, we're delighted to announce Big Finish Day 4 - and in a brand new venue!

For the next Big Finish Day, we're taking a trip to Slough and the Copthorne Hotel. The date is Saturday 18 January, and the day will start at 10am and run through until 6pm. The guests will be announced closer to the date, but you can already order tickets through the Tenth Planet Events website. Just follow this link.

If you want to fly in, it's near Heathrow Airport, and for those staying for the whole weekend, it's close to gorgeous Windsor Castle. If you had a great time at a previous Big Finish Day, come again! And if you've never been, come and see what all the fuss is about! Book now!"

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Mervyn Stone: The Axeman Cometh

...well, The Axeman is actually coming in June, but Big Finish have just released the cover art, which has been created by Anthony Lamb. Anthony has done some amazing covers for BF and 'in my humble...' etc, this piece of work is original and arresting and very much captures the essence of The Mervyn Stone Mysteries.

I really ought to wait before publishing details of The Axeman Cometh, but I've had enough of deferred gratification for the time being, and so, here it all is and no doubt here it all will be again in June!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Mervyn Stone: The Axeman Cometh stars Big Finish's most capped player John Banks as Mervyn Stone and Doctor Who legend Nicola Bryant as Vanity Mycroft."

"Dear Mervyn,

If you want to prevent a murder, then you must attend the recording at the Sounderama studios on Thursday. 

Signed: a friend."

Vixens from the Void is back!

After twenty-five years, the popular leather-clad astro-erotic sci-fi television show is returning!

Well, sort of.  Actually, some devoted Vixens fans have got the licence to do some audios on CD featuring the original cast, and they've invited Mervyn Stone to write an episode.

But that's not the only thing he's been invited to do.

Mervyn has also been invited to solve a murder.                   
He arrives at the studio, and who should he find recording her autobiography in the very next booth? Only the TV boss who cancelled Vixens from the Void twenty-five years ago.

No prizes for guessing the murder victim...

 John Banks as Mervyn Stone & Nicola Bryant as Vanity Mycroft

Written By: Nev Fountain
Directed By: Patric Kearns

Monday, 25 March 2013


So, 'another opening, another show' - this time, a rehearsed reading as outlined in the information below. I'm delighted to be working with Lynchpin Productions again on another of their Scriptease projects. For one night only! Do come along if you can, The Electric Theatre, Guildford - it should be a fun event.


presents rehearsed readings of 2 one-act plays at

The Electric Theatre Café Bar

Tuesday 26 March   7:45pm   
£6,  £5 concession
prebook tickets on 07913 289 360

Trifles  John Wright has been found dead.  His wife, Minnie, is suspected of the murder. The men come to investigate, telling the women to stay out of the way and remain in the kitchen. The women discover the truth by piecing together the trivial evidence the men ignore. Based on an actual murder case in 1916, Glaspell later rewrote it as a TV drama which was filmed by Alfred Hitchcock as A Jury of Her Peers. The play is considered an important contribution in the development of American realism.

The People  An allegorical tale set in a newspaper office during the last year of  WWI, in Mid-West, USA. It explores the relationship between artist and audience while being a call for all to listen to their higher purpose during a similar era of a widening economic divide we are in today. Characters include The Artist, The Philosopher, The Light Touch and The Earnest Approach.

Susan Glaspell  (1882 - 1948), was an influential playwright, novelist, poet and journalist and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1930 for her play Alison's House, loosely based on the life of Emily Dickinson.

Join us for another ScripTease event as we bring to life two plays by an important writer influential in the development of modern American theatre.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Thanks, thanks and ever... thanks!

...And yes I have just been re-watching The Dresser !

Firstly, a big 'thank you' to all the Big Finish fans who braved the elements yesterday and helped to make BFD3 such a resounding success. I had great fun meeting everyone, re-meeting in some cases and found myself sitting next to the genuinely lovely and profoundly glamorous Chase Masterson as we chatted together and signed autographs.

Our Vienna panel was well attended and great fun to take part in and I learned quite a bit about the genesis of the series and what its future development might entail. I know that further episodes have just been recorded and very much hope that I'll be asked back sometime to do more - working with Chase and the Vienna team is a real treat.

A delight also to catch up, alas all too briefly, with some former colleagues from Allo, Allo!, Sue Hodge, Kim Hartman and Richard Gibson, all of whom appeared to be exactly as they were when we'd last worked together back in 1989!

Because of a matinee and evening performance of Port at the National Theatre, I had to leave BFD3 soon after the panel discussion and I've just arrived home this Sunday evening having had a farewell drink with the company, as Port had its final performance this afternoon.

Sounds predictable I know, but I have to say, what a very talented company of actors they all are, and so, my second big 'thank you' goes to them and the truly fabulous stage crew at the NT - 'Team Thom' - headed by the extraordinarily calm, composed and super-efficient Shane Thom.

It's been a joy to work with everyone and after nearly five months together, it will seem strange not to be seeing people again, perhaps for quite a while. I shall especially miss my compadres from dressing room 007, Mr Mark Rose and Mr Aaron Foy - thanks lads, it's been FAB!

Monday, 18 March 2013

Mervyn Stone - Update!

As previously mentioned, the hyper-active quill of Mr Nev Fountain has been recently applied to the creation of the first Mervyn Stone audio-drama, The Axeman Cometh.

Mervyn Stone is back!

The crime-solving script writer and star of three books has returned to shine a light on the darkest of murderous deeds - and this time you can hear him!

Mervyn Stone: The Axeman Cometh stars Big Finish's most capped player John Banks as Mervyn Stone and Doctor Who legend Nicola Bryant as Vanity Mycroft and is available now at a special pre-order price of only £5 on CD or download, which will increase on release.

Three Mervyn Stone novels are still available in leather bound, hardback and paperback formats and can be bought in the 'Books' section of the Big Finish web-site; just follow the links!

The Axeman Cometh is scheduled for release in June.

...more news just as soon as it happens!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Big Finish Day 3 Guest List - 16th March Update

All guests appear subject to work commitments
£15 per autograph
£10 per autograph
(Big Finish Guest)
(Big Finish Guest)
(Big Finish Guest)
(Big Finish Guest)
(Big Finish Guest)
(Big Finish Guest)

Due to work commitments,
 is no longer able to attend
(Big Finish Guest)
(Big Finish Guest)
(Big Finish Guest)
(Big Finish Guest)
(Big Finish Guest)
(Big Finish Guest)
(Big Finish Guest)
(Big Finish Guest)
(Big Finish Guest)
(Big Finish Guest)
(Sponsored Guest)
(Sponsored Guest)
1 free autograph
£10 per each
additional autograph
(Sponsored Guest)
Free autographs
Free autographs
(Sponsored Guest)
(Sponsored Guest)
(Big Finish Guest)
(Sponsored Guest)
(Sponsored Guest)
Ken Bentley Director
Doctor Who/Blake's 7/Sherlock Holmes
Peter Anghelides Writer
Doctor Who/Blakes's 7
 John Dorney Writer
Doctor Who/Jago and Litefoot/
Matt Fitton Writer
Doctor Who
James Goss Writer
 Doctor Who/Dark Shadows/Blake's 7
Simon Guerrier Writer
Doctor Who/Blake's 7
Andy Lane Writer
Doctor Who/Jago and Litefoot
Jonathan Morris Writer
Doctor Who/Vienna/Dark Shadows/Jago
and Litefoot
Cavan Scott Doctor Who/Blake's 7/Counter-Measures/
Iris Wildthyme
Mark Wright Writer
Doctor Who/Blake's 7/Counter-Measures/
Iris Wildthyme
Howard Carter Sound Designer
Martin Montague Sound Designer
Jamie Robertson Sound Designer
Mark Plastow Cover Designer

Friday, 1 March 2013

The Seeds of War

Mad as a March Hare? Beware The Ides of March?? Big Finish Day 3??? Whatever comes to mind when you think of March, it's hard to believe we're into the third month of the year... already! If time is set to continue to rattle on at this rate, I'd better get on with posting before it's all old news...

And so, this month sees the release of the third Sixy & Mel story The Seeds of War and here are the details from Big Finish:

Humanity is emerging from a long, exhausting war. Against an enemy so powerful, so implacable, it seemed unstoppable – right up until the moment it stopped.
Now, despite its ‘victory’, the human race is on its knees. The Doctor and Mel join its struggle for survival to try to ensure it has a future.
A race against time takes them from the Great Tower of Kalsos to the Reliquaries of Earth. In an epic journey across the ten systems, their fates are intertwined with one family. The Tevelers are to feel the effects of war more than most…

The Doctor has a plan. Mel is sure he can save the day. But something is lurking. Watching. Waiting. A presence the Doctor knows of old. But just how far does its influence pervade?
The Eminence awaits…


Colin Baker              The Doctor  
Bonnie Langford      Melanie Bush  
Ray Fearon               Barlow Teveler
Ony Uhiara                Sisrella Teveler
Stuart Organ             Helgert Teveler  
Lucy Russell             Trellak
John Banks               Elkinar 
Beth Chalmers         Announcer 
David Sibley             The Eminence

Written By: 
Matt Fitton and Nicholas Briggs

Directed By: 
Barnaby Edwards

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Having waited for what seemed like an age, my copy of Stargate SG-1 arrived a couple of days ago, which was most exciting and I've eagerly started listening to the first part of the trilogy, Excision. When I'm listening to something new, I tend to let it 'wash over' me a few times before I really focus in on the story; so I'm looking forward to an extended period of familiarisation with this three disc adventure. Not only Stargate, but Spaceport Fear and Vienna also arrived in the same package, so plenty of listening to be getting on with this month!

In a few weeks time, it'll be Big Finish Day 3, which I'm very much looking forward to, even though I can only be there for a couple of hours due to matinee and evening performances of Port at the NT, which is a real shame - oh well.

So, just to round off this first posting of the month, (who knows, there may be more!), a word of thanks. The amazing dedication of BF fans was brought home to me recently when I was approached by a small group of people at the stage door of the National to ask if I'd sign their collections of BF CD covers. It was a freezing cold day and they'd been patiently waiting for hours, seemingly on the off chance that I'd turn up. It was a matinee day, so the odds of me venturing anywhere outside the building were slim indeed. Now I'm sure those 'boys' weren't just waiting for me, nevertheless, I was very touched that they should be there at all and only too happy to sign some covers and have a chat. They told me they'd all be at BFD3 and so we might well cross paths again there - in the meantime, if by any chance any of them should be reading this, I just want to say 'thanks lads - your cheery good humour and dedication to Big Finish is greatly appreciated.'

More soon!

Doctor Who: Back To Earth

Skaven Deathmaster

Dalek Universe 2

Kragnos Broken Realms

Age of Sigmar Dominion

The Moggotkin of Nurgle

Kragnos Broken Realms

Dawn of Fire Book 1: Avenging Son

The Lore of Direchasm


A C'tan Shard Rises 3

Indomitus: Necrons 2

A Lord Among the Stars 1

Angels of Death Preview


Psychic Awakening

Warcry: Death or Glory

Warhammer 40,000

Flight. Redefined.

Reviews & comments:

The Malazan Empire

Over the course of this 8 book series, the amazing John Banks has had to create and voice 648 distinct characters!

Neil Gardner - producer

The Door In The Wall & War of The Worlds

Not often I buy another version of an audiobook I own, but after hearing John Banks' narration of The Door in the Wall by Ladbroke Audio, I had to buy their version of The War of the Worlds. Banks has a great reading voice.

Andy Frankham-Allen - writer

The Books of Babel: Senlin Ascends, Arm of The Sphinx & The Hod King

Mr. Banks does superb work, and I recommend the audiobooks wholeheartedly!

Josiah Bancroft - writer

Mervyn Stone: The Axeman Cometh

John Banks is a voice genius...

Nev Fountain - writer

Mervyn Stone... played by the note-perfect John Banks.

Matt Hills - Reviews in Time and Space

Dr. Who: The Sleeping City

I also must draw attention to John Banks who is an exceptional voice artist and in this one story performs more characters that I can count. ... it is listening to episodes like this one that really do let his talents shine through.

Tony Jones - Red Rocket Rising


...playing several parts, was the brilliant Big Finish regular John Banks - it was as if there were about 40 different actors in the other booth.

James Moran - writer

I went for the best of the best and brought in voice artiste extraordinaire John Banks.

Paul Spragg - producer


...also features the mind - bogglingly versatile and reliable John Banks

Jonathan Morris - writer

Dead Funny:

The acting is first rate… wonderfully played by John Banks as Richard – his impersonation of Eric Morecambe is worth the admission money alone.

Beverly Greenberg: Bolton Evening News

Mr. Happiness:

This early and unfamiliar play by David Mamet is a character study of a 1930s radio counsellor, dispensing suave advice to his devoted listeners. John Banks brings out the wry comedy of this – comedy quite unappreciated by the character – with a clever range of gesture and vocal tone.

Jeremy Kingston: The Times

All My Sons:

This is a beautifully crafted piece ...and it affords a wonderful opportunity for John Readman* to do his All-American Boy act as Chris Keller. This most polished and well observed performance as the blighted son of a blighted father must rank as one of his finest accomplishments yet. ( * see Profile)

The Stage

The Ordeals of Sherlock Holmes

Kudos should also go to John Banks. Lestrade can be a thankless part, but Banks rose to the challenge, playing a pivotal role in this decades long arc.

Raissa Devereux - SciFiPulse

The Judgement of Sherlock Holmes

John Banks is multi-tasking, both as the superb Lestrade and also the villainous and no doubt moustache twirling Sebastian Moran. They sound completely different and I bow to his talent.

Sue Davies - SFcrowsnest

Further reviews and comments are included with specific postings throughout the site.

The War Doctor

The War Doctor
December 2015