David Richardson greeted me warmly when I arrived at the studio and offered me some coffee (not all producers do that!). Similarly Nick Briggs made me feel very welcome and within a very short time in the studio with the Doctor, in this instance, the brilliant Colin Baker, I started to feel very much at home. And of course, there was also Toby's legendary lunch to look forward to!
The nature of working with Big Finish was established that day and has never wavered; David, Nick and Moat Studios' Toby Hrycek-Robinson create a very warm and conducive working environment and huge thanks go to them, as well as to Ken Bentley, Lisa Bowerman, Paul Spragg and Barnaby Edwards for making the last five years such a delight.
I consider myself fortunate indeed to have the privilege of knowing and working with such amazingly creative and talented people and look forward to, hopefully, many more adventures with the Big Finish crew.