Big Finish scheduling is also part of the reason, as is the fact that this time last year, I'd just finished working for a couple of months in the theatre, which largely took me out of the recording loop. I am of course thrilled to be once more consumed by the loop in it's many forms and thrilled again that next month, there are a couple of potentially very interesting releases - well, I'm looking forward to them at any rate. Further details to follow in September, but the stories I'm thinking of are Terror of The Sontarans with Sylvester McCoy and Bonnie Langford together with the first box set of Third Doctor adventures, featuring Tim Treloar as The Doctor, Katy Manning as Jo Grant and Richard Franklin as Mike Yates - should be fun to give them a listen.
So what's all this 'Genesis to Revelation' stuff in the post title? Good question. I am indeed a life-long fan of Genesis the band and the individual members of it, who have done some amazing and fantastically creative original solo work. But no, that's not it. The eagle eyed and observant dipper into this blog, will probably know by now that I've been recording audio books fairly regularly for the past two and a half years. Steep learning curve, quite challenging but generally, really good fun and a pleasing thing to do. There are currently three audio books in my 'yet to be released' pipeline and yesterday, we started recording the next audio book; the 'we' refers to Producer Neil Gardner and me.
Preparatory work has been going on for a few weeks already, test recordings have been made and a not inconsiderable amount of time has been spent in getting my tongue around the text and my head around the very idea of the project itself. So far, the overall project has been in the planning stages for over a year, although until Neil offered me the job a few weeks ago and my participation as narrator was finally approved, I knew nothing of it. But what a great challenge it is and although somewhat overawed, I'm beyond excited to say that yesterday, we began recording... The Bible, from beginning to end, unabridged, from Genesis to Revelation.

Sooooo, that'll take a few weeks to complete, but in the meantime, I'm off to Nottingham tomorrow, to record more audio drama next week for Games Workshop, which is also very exciting - I love playing Space Marines!
Incidentally, I'm hoping that next month will also see Games Workshop starting to release some of the audio drama recordings, which, as you may remember, I've been working on over the last few months. I'm really looking forward to posting more about them at the time of release and to seeing the accompanying artwork for the CDs, which is usually quite stunning.
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